Monday, August 27, 2007

Bush's guns are aimed at his feet

In his article "The waning power of the war myth" (28/07), Gary Kimaya rightly derides Bush's comparison of the current situation in Iraq with that of the Vietnam war.

There are certainly similarities - unflattering ones - but to insist that had the US stayed on in Vietnam the war would have been won is clearly an absurd attempt at rewriting history. Bush is of course busily denying responsibility for the current chaos in Iraq, but for all his propaganda, his people cannot ignore the obvious - their soldiers are being killed by the thousands, and things aren't improving on the ground.

It will never hapen, but if Bush were to withdraw troops and attempt a non-military strategy for stabilising the country, history and the American people would view him more kindly. However, he chooses instead to stubbornly stick to his guns - blowing up Iraq, American soldiers, and the Republicans' chances in the forthcoming election.

If, as it seems likely, the Democrats come to power, it will be interesting to see what effect a different approach will have. Surely anything is better than the mindless bloodbath Bush seems intent on continuing.

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