Sunday, September 2, 2007

Panic on the streets of Canberra

Paul Daley's article of 29/08 ( provides several examples of the Liberal Party's increasing panic, and defeatist attitude, in response to the latest round of polls.

For example, Turnbull's recent bad handling of the Gunns paper mill debate has reflected badly on the party as a whole. It seems that the longer the year goes on, the less impact the Liberal Party makes on voters' minds. It's reminiscent of the final days of Louis 16th's reign, when it didn't matter what he did or said, or what promises he made. The people had had enough.
It's increasingly obvious that a clear majority of the electorate want Howard's head.

However, politics is riddled with campaigns come unstuck at the last moment. Labor doesn't have the election all tied up, no matter how likely their victory seems. It would be foolish to write off the Liberals at this stage, but it is interesting to note that many within their own party seem to be doing just that.


Sam said...

Well said Martin. I haven't been bold enough to say that just yet. But you are dead right, and said it better than I would have. Its true that complacency is bad for labour, and panic bad for the liberals. Maybe Rudd's small target approach is good after all. Just let them fall apart themselves, and give a little push here and there. Have you seen the latest poll? Quite devastating looking for Howard. But as you say, we'll see.

Whitney Rose Harris said...

honestly, i don't think the polls mean shit. Wasn't Lathem tallying high in the polls at one stage and still Howard succeeded in a landslide victory? My argument is that Australia is afraid of change and therefore Howards probably already got it won. yet, if you compare both labor and liberal policies they are increasingly similiar, maybe that is what the Gov should be panicing about. This next election is definitely going to be a big one no matter what the outcome. Good work..