Tuesday, September 11, 2007

'Special friends' need some time out

John Howard has stumbled again, this time in failing to adjust to the fact that Bush is more unpopular than he is.
His mindless endorsement of everything Bush says and does has long been an embarassment. Now, it's hurting him where it hurts a politician the most - the polls.

Hopefully, whatever the outcome of the forthcoming election, relations with our American allies will be toned down a little. Close personal friendships are all well and good, but while a holiday on the Presidential ranch might be pleasant, is it necessary?
Howard, or his successor, should take a leaf out of Gordon Brown's book and make it absolutely clear that while the two countries are undeniably close allies, there is no 'special relationship' between the leaders. Strictly business.

Howard's credibility has inevitably come into question due to his close ties with President Bush. Decisions should be made in the Australian people's best interests, and committing our troops to Iraq, for example, was hardly an example of that.

The U.S. is a valuable friend, but it's doubtful how much they appreciate our support. Let's not be exploitable lapdogs. Let's be sensible and straightforward. As in any relationship, how can there be respect without self-respect?


Sam said...

Again Martin, bang bang bang. Right on brother. Couldn't a put it better myself.
The lame duck and the dead duck waddling together into the sunset of irrelevance.

dre said...

i completely agree. business is business.i think im gonna feel bad for having to break up such a great friendship when i vote!

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